Sunday, July 29, 2012

My First Award!

What a super nice surprise I found when I was just about to go to bed last night!  2 lovely bloggers awarded me the One Lovely Blogger Award!  It was really nice to see that and I slept with stars in my eyes!  lol
The 2 bloggers that gave me this award are:
Carole at Kindercarole &
 This is my third post and I feel so blessed to have this great opportunity to network with other teachers around the world.  Thanks ladies!
Now for the rules...
1. Follow the person who gave you the award. 
  1. Link back to the person that gave you the award (click on the links above or click here: Kindercarole and Oh, How Pintearesting
3. Pass to 5 new bloggers and then let them know they have received the award.
I’ve chosen 10 new bloggers for this award since 2 lovely ladies gave me the award.  They are:
  1. Run! Miss Nelson’s Got the Camera! 
  2. Mrs. Cobb’s Kinder Sprouts 
  3. Adventures in Room 5 
  4. iTeach 1:1 
  5. Miss L’s Whole Brain Teaching 
  6. Adventures in Teaching 
  7. Charlotte’s Clips and Kindergarten Kids 
  8. K is for Kinderrific 
  9. Jen’s Kinder Kids
  10. Kinder Kids Fun
I follow blogs from all over the United States and also all over the world.  Check out these lovely ladies (some of which inspired me to blog!) and see just how fun connecting with other teachers can be!


  1. Stacey-
    How sweet! Thank you for my lovely award. Glad you enjoyed the cooler and EC giftcard. I'm your newest follower.

  2. Stacey,

    Thank you so much for the lovely blog award. I just posted a freebie for people, who visit my blog. You may want to hop back and pick it up for your kindergarten class.

    Creatively yours,


  3. Thank you for the award!
    Mrs. Cobb's Kinder Sprouts
    Come enter my poster printing giveaway!

  4. Thank you so much for the award Stacey! I blogged about it today and linked back to you if you would like to check it out :)
    I can't wait to read more posts from you as your blog grows!

    Miss L (WBT Blog Bug)
    Miss L’s Whole Brian Teaching
