So I do have to say the power of self-advertisement really worked this time around for me! The last donation came from one of my students parents. WHICH by the way I was totally surprised by! Where I work most people could not afford to do much and so when I advertised to them I asked for $5 donations and mainly because something like that (I hoped) would not break the bank! And at least that amount would be matched by the Board of Directors at and turn into $10.
I was sure this project was not going to fund and was beginning to reflect on how I could've made my project better. I felt my biggest problem was asking for too much because it was well over the $400 mark. In fact it was double that! But earlier this year I had decided I wanted to set up a dedicated art center. A place where the kids could go during centers or free choice. During center time it would be a place to practice key skills like letter formation and word building. For free choice...well, the name says it all...they could do as they please!
I got the news in the middle of last week that the project funded. I confirmed the project by Thursday night and the shipment arrived today!!!
I suppose it may have arrived that quickly because we are only a few minutes away from the western distribution center for Lakeshore. Which (as a side note!) the Lakeshore outlet there is ridiculously ADDICTIVE!
Here is an updated list of projects funded as of this last shipment:
Here is an updated list of projects funded as of this last shipment:
1. Pretend Play is Just for Me! $495.65
2. I Can Read! $447.58
3.Constructive Outdoor Play $753.95
4. Technology Helps Us Learn to Read $1,153.49
5. Artfully Young Experience $761.00
Total = $3,611.67
My Christopher Columbus week was a huge success! The next post will be all about how it went. I was just way to excited to sit on this news!